Our Clients Say, They Didn't Know What They Didn't Know

It used to be easier to find and hire an agency but in this day of convergence every firm - super-sized, large, small, and independent - say they offer the same services. The rub is that they all might!


Our clients find that through our proven process RFP Associates helps them identify the right agency candidates and structure a request for proposal that will easily find the firm they want to work with. Local or global, niche or broad, we have the track record and the experience to support your effort.


At the end of the day, your reputation rides on the agency you hire to represent your organization. Please let us help you make the right decision. 


By requesting a download of our handout, "10 Steps Toward Hiring the Best PR Agency" you'll be on good footing. By talking with us, we'll help you take the next best steps. 

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