With a Willing Industry, Of Course It Can

Why Do Agencies Hate the RFP Process?
We’ve heard a lot of colorful and even off-color language about this, but it tends to boil down to five main reasons:
- Agencies would simply rather win business through referrals
- The odds of winning are so low that participating in the RFP process is like entering a lottery
- The process is undoubtably rigged for an incumbent firm
- Templated RFPs for communications are a sign that they were not designed for hiring an agency
- Publicly issued RFPs aren’t worth the effort
We collaborated with CommunicationsMatch to resolve what we think are these main sticking points.
Please read the full post - Public Relations RFPs: How to Improve the Agency RFP Process. Another version appears on CommPro - PR RFPs: Time to Reinvent a Broken Process.